Beautiful Words of wisdom for all Mothers

mum and baby

Recently in the Darwin Family Life Community Hub; I asked the question – Best piece of advice for a new Mum. The comments, advice, support and words of wisdom was overwhelming! I wish there had been a list complied that was this realistic and helpful when I became a Mother 7 years ago! Read on for all our members helpful suggestions and tips for all Mothers, new Mums, Mums that have been doing this mothering gig for a bit and everywhere in between – it is helpful to have perspective and advice from other Mums!

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Spoil your Mum with our Mother’s Day Gift Guide

When Mother’s Day rolls around again and the advertisements start up on TV, I always wonder, why do they think all mothers are aged in their sixties and love Michael Buble’ and purple fluffy slippers?

Not that I’m knocking either of those things, I’m sure there are mums out there who would totally love that gift, but a Mother’s Day gift guide for mums needs to be a little bit broader and more exclusive of the different kinds of mums there are.

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