We solemnly swear no tricks will be played, we’re glad that home is not where you stayed! Dress as spooks, ghosts, ghouls or witches and visit our venues to collect your riches.
Our annual Trick-or-Treat will start at 5pm on Saturday, 28 October. A map of participating venues will be released soon. Lots of prizes and fun to be had, and make sure you stick around for our Scary Mermaid Disco.
View our full Spooky Season program at:
The Darwin Waterfront Halloween events will be held on the parklands and Recreation Lagoon. The surrounding area is connected by wide concrete pathways.
Accessible parking is available for this event.
Getting around is easy via wide pathways, lift access and ramps where necessary.
Accessible toilets are located at the Wave Lagoon Kiosk (access via MLAK key only after hours), behind Building 3 (Hot Tamale Restaurant) and other restaurant locations.
Have more questions or need further assistance?
Give us a call on 08 8999 5155, message us or email dwc.events@nt.gov.au.